Erotic Mindfulness Series

Erotic Mindfulness Series

Erotic mindfulness is the act of taking every day moments to engage in pleasure awareness. By practicing erotic mindfulness, we tune our somatic bodies to more readily access erotic energy. In my office, people find erotic mindfulness to be linked to increased libido and desire for pleasure, deeper connection to their own sensory experiences, and a heightened awareness of their partners’ in intimacy. I’ve also found erotic mindfulness to be an excellent tool in coping with Gender Dysphoria and embodying our relationships with gender.

Here are some daily practices to develop erotic mindfulness.

Erotic Mindfulness for Daily Practice #1: Ask yourself “What would make this moment more pleasurable” and then adjust accordingly. Make conscious, small adjustments like shifting a body position, taking a stretch, drinking water, seeking touch, etc. Listen to your body, it will tell you what its desiring.
Erotic Mindfulness for Daily Practice #2: Get Dressed with Intention. Notice the texture of your clothing as it slides over your skin. Absorb the warmth of the fabric, notice any smells introduced, and study the knit of the textiles. Instead of making judgements about sensations or materials, just notice what sensations are present and sit with them before bustling about your day.

Erotic Mindfulness for Daily Practice #3: Get Creative! Creative inspiration and sexual desire are two faces of the same energy. Draw upon your inner creative and create something. Make it messy, make it ugly, make it uncomfortable, see what comes. Tap into how it feels for the expressive spark to flow through your body and into the world without judgement for perfection or aesthetic value. By harnessing your creative energies, you create fuel for your desire and ignite your erotic power.

Erotic Mindfulness for Daily Practice #4: Eat for taste, texture, and sound. The mouth is one of the biggest pleasure centers in your body. We’re all guilty of rushing through a meal while starring at our phones or commuting to the next destination, completely ignoring this opportunity to experience pleasure. Practice eating mindfully. Explore the tastes (and smells!), textures, and even sounds that occupy this experience. The more
we attune to the complexities of pleasurable experiences, the greater capacity we have to experience pleasure. That’s what I call a transferrable skill!

Erotic Mindfulness for Daily Practice #5: Touch every surface you past. Ok, I know, this one sounds kind of gross. You have my permission to practice discretion on this one, and sanitize your hands afterward. As you move through a day, touch every surface you past. Notice what you surround yourself with. Is your environment a series of cold hard surfaces or dynamic textures. The atmosphere we exist in has tremendous influence on
how we connect with our bodies. Notice how it impacts yours.

Erotic Mindfulness for Daily Practice #6: Play!! One of my favorite kinksters, Midori, iconically says “BDSM is childhood joyous play with adult sexual privilege and cool toys”. At some point, we are no longer encouraged to incorporate play into our everyday lives. Reconnect with what it feels like to play. Hop on a swingset, get in a tickle fight (with consent!), or put on a silly costume. Playfulness goes a long way in our intimate connections, it can even be transformative for seemingly impossible topics from performance anxiety to gender dysphoria.

Erotic Mindfulness for Daily Practice #9: Move for Pleasure. Your body is a wealth of information, here to share with you exactly how to receive pleasure and connection. Spend some time exploring what it means to live in your body by moving it around. Find a stretch, wiggle your bum, shake out all the stale energy sitting in your system and explore how good it feels to move. When we feel disconnected with our bodies, it can be distressing and even harmful to engage in sex and intimacy. When you learn how
your body receives pleasure, you learn to speak a new living language. This knowledge can empower you to share with other intimate partners or just enjoy it on your own.

Erotic Mindfulness for Daily Practice #10: Embrace the Chaos. Sex is messy, ya’ll. Having an intolerance for chaos can make the inherent sloppiness of sex and intimacy stressful and even tank desire entirely. Take some time to embrace the chaos instead of every day life by getting messy, abandoning a plan, or stepping outside of your comfort zone. Building this kind of distress tolerance creates more space for connection and shared hilarity when things, inevitably, become intimately chaotic.

Please remember that the content within these posts are copyright @entwinetherapy. I do not mind if you share my content BUT always credit me please. This content may not otherwise be duplicated or reproduced and is subject to all copyright laws.

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