Sex Therapy

Understanding Sex Therapy

It is likely that throughout your life you’ve received complicated messages about sex and your ability to access or express your sexuality. You may also have feelings of shame, confusion, or lack of knowledge surrounding sex. Frequently, it can feel difficult to discuss these concerns amongst partners or to explore them independently. Sex and sexuality are important parts of our lives as individuals and in relationships. Creating a dynamic understanding of the role of sex and sexuality within your life can help you feel more validated, satisfied and capable of expressing yourself. As a trained sex therapist, my focus as your therapist is to minimize shame and stimulate engaging exploration of a myriad of issues surrounding sex and intimacy. In my office no topic is off limits, too risky, or too embarrassing to explore. Sex therapy can range from individual therapy, therapy with partners together, single issue therapy, and dynamic restructuring of sexuality. Sex therapy is a method of talk and somatic psychotherapy that provides the ability to bring issues of sexuality into the therapy room in a way that is informed, aware, and facilitates growth.

Sex Therapy
Topics we may address:

  • Gender Identity and Sexuality
  • Queer Issues
  • Gender and Body Dysphoria
  • Polyamory and Open relationships
  • BDSM and Kink
  • Exploration of Sexual Fetishes
  • Decline in Sexual Arousal
  • Experience of Pleasure
  • Changing Interest
  • Out of Control Sexual Behaviors
  • Asexuality
  • Reestablishing Intimacy and Connection

"Explore what it feels like to live in your body"